Gravesend Tutorial Service only supports up to 12 students per year. 

As detailed elsewhere we only provide 1:1 tutorials as we believe this is how we can guarantee results. Teachers in schools work hard, know their subject and prepare well, but there is an obvious limit to the amount of time that they can give to each student’s personal knowledge and understanding. Many methods and approaches exist to maximise what a teacher can achieve with a group of students but by definition they are all compromises. The purest form of teaching was invented over a thousand years ago and is the master/apprentice model, ie one teacher, one student. 


We only teach subjects we are good at. This means we teach Sciences – combined and separate and mathematics (to A level)

How do we teach?

We concentrate on three types of understanding

  • understanding each student: their needs, their blockages, their interests
  • understanding the course: the exact course and examination to be sat by the student
  • ensuring understanding: the basis of all real learning is understanding what is being learnt

Our approach

When we commit to supporting a student we guarantee to work with the student, their parents and their school to maximise the achievement.

Before we commit to the student we arrange to meet the student and parents to talk through their aims, explain our approach and agree on a set of targets. This free session discusses the student’s courses, their current achievement level in those courses and their desired final exam outcome. 

In addition to a rigorous approach to the subject content of the specific exam(s) being studied we also work with the student on study skill methods and how to produce a positive psychology. 

We will be delighted to meet any parent who want to talk through possible tutorials, but warn that our available sessions become limited very early in the academic year.

Categories: GTS info


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